Saturday, July 7, 2012

Diamond Edged Borders

Isn't it pretty? I am loving it!
I am not exactly sure what to call this design. I started out playing with one of my old files that I called "Decorative Diamond Design". 

I turned it, twisted it, and modified it until I ended up with this pretty lacy decorative edge.

This is two different round decorations with shadow pieces stacked together. I topped it with my "Open Rose"

*****I am working on instructional videos for the open rose this weekend****** I should have it ready soon. (It has taken me months to figure out how to explain it.)

But back to my diamond edge design...

I also used the design on either side of the middle piece on this gate fold card.

I even used a strip of it to make a beautiful rosette.

Putting the rose on top of the rosette was just too much for the top of the card so I will use it somewhere else. LOVE the way it looks though!

The set is available at my Etsy store.

I already have great plans for this design. Borders, mats, edges of cards...wonder how it would look to run ribbon in and out through the curved slits on the sides?????

I will let you know soon. LOL


Jen Adcock said...

Just exquisite! This is such an impressive card. So very well done.

Saints Rule! said...

Beautifully done!

Creative Thinker said...

Beautiful!! said...

Such a gorgeous card and these cut files are amazing!! ~ Blessings

Artes de Nágela said...

So adorable!
Great project!

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Amazing folds! Love the style of card and the embossing and die cuts really add a nice touch :)

Myrna said...

You have such wonderful ideas. This is absolutely fabulous.

Cheryl First said...

This is beautiful, Jani! A fantastic, elegant design!

Sherry said...

So gorgeous Jani! Love the colors you chose to display it.. its just perfect!

Lisa said...

Wow, Jani, what a gorgeous, elegant design!! I love all the different ways you used it!! Stunning :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Davi said...

Really Beautiful!! I love the embossing and lovely designs. :)